====Welcome to the official webpage of CUPID! ====
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**CUPID is a project for the experimental search of 0νββ decay of 100Mo
using isotopically enriched Li2MoO4 scintillating crystals
operated as cryogenic calorimeters.\\
In these pages, you can find a [[The CUPID experiment|description of the experiment]],
our [[Publications|publication list]], the [[Collaborators|collaborating institutes]],
and a full list of [[Organization and Contacts|contacts]] to reach us.
Finally, photos of our experimental setups are available in the [[Gallery|gallery]].**
====CUPID Statement on Ukraine ====
//The leadership of the CUPID experiment condemns the military invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation and deplores the tragic loss of life and the humanitarian impact of the war.//
//Ukraine is a member of CUPID, and Ukrainian scientists are valued and active members of the collaboration. CUPID will continue to uphold the value of scientific collaboration across borders, including our collaboration with scientists in the Russian Federation, as a driver for peace and for the benefit of all humanity.//
//The CUPID leadership shares the sentiments expressed by the INFN, the American Physical Society, and French Physics Society in response to the war in Ukraine.//
*// [[https://home.infn.it/en/press-releases/press-release-2021/4725-per-l-ucraina-2 | INFN Statement on Ukraine]] //
* //[[ https://aps.org/about/governance/letters/ukraine.cfm#condemn | APS Response to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine]]//
* // [[https://www.sfpnet.fr/positionnement-de-la-sfp-contre-la-guerre-en-ukraine | French Physics Society]]//
//The Leadership of the CUPID Experiment//
* //Karsten Heeger (co-spokesperson)//
* // Maura Pavan (co-spokesperson)//
* // Fabio Bellini (Italian Project Director)//
* //Andrea Guiliani (French Project Director)//
* //Yury Kolomensky (US Project Director)//
* //Matteo Biassoni (Technical Coordinator)//
* //Carlo Bucci (Italian Institutional Board)//
* //Claudia Nones (French Institutional Board Chair)//
* // Lindley Winslow (US Institutional Board Chair)//
==== We are officially a collaboration! ====
Date: 27.05.2021
After four days of intense remote collaboration meeting, we are happy to announce that we have officially formed the CUPID collaboration! We really hope the next collaboration meeting will be in person, so that we can toast together this milestone. Meanwhile, here's the first official collaboration picture. We're beautiful, aren't we?!?